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Gracias por compartir en tu blog todos los enlace en inglés dedicados a temas de actualización. They provide us excellente contents!!

Jesus Hoyos

Les recomiendo este link de enlaces de CRM en Ingles


Thanks Jesus Hoyos for listing my blog. You have compiled a fantastic list of some great blogs. Am sure with this list 2007 it will be great year for me to starting exploring CRM trends.

Jesus Hoyos, CRM en Latinoamérica

Thank you for the two additional links. I added both of them to my post. Both of them provide excellent content.

Paul G.

You've compiled an OUTSTANDING list of blogs and sites to refer to when it comes to CRM. There are a couple of additions I would recommend. The Wise Marketer (www.wisemarketer.com) being one. Springwise/Trend-Watching (www.springwise.com) being another. The former is probably the best site out there on marketing when it comes to the contemporary brands and the issues around advocacy. The latter is terrific for its observation and capturing information on the "long tail" niche markets & creative new business models that are being generated to meet the needs of the 21st century customer.

Great job all the way around!!

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  • Mi nombre es Jesús Hoyos y bienvenidos a mi blog de CRM (Customer Relationship Management), especialmente dedicado para la región de Latinoamérica. Encontraran artículos sobre mis anécdotas y experiencias; mejores prácticas que aplican y no aplican en la región; más mis opiniones y consejos sobre todos los aspectos de CRM.


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